152nd film. A special flight dedicated to carry his fans from Bengaluru to Chennai for the first day first show of the film!12,000 screens all over the world are screening it. In India it is a 4.a.m Rajani film .JULY 22ND called Kabali From ground Zero to the skies it is this SUPERSTAR. Releases are festivals for his fans.
The world is excited while the man himself Rajinikanth is far away from all the buzz ! At 65 , he is a legend. A Demigod to his fans. His inimitable STYLE makes him India's biggest Star.
Having grown in Chennai I know what SUPERSTAR Rajini's first day first show is all about. The milk abhishekam is how it starts. Then crackers, fireworks to celebrate the release. When Rajini mouths one liners it becomes legendary! Money is thrown onto the screen. It is an experience. HE is a phenomenon. his popularity undisputable. He is a brand.
BRAND RAJINI have certain distinctive qualities like:
TALENT: A very good actor, he is a treat to watch on big screen. His movies are unforgettable as there is a bit for every fan of his. A nice mix of comedy, unforgettable dialogues, a message to society, dance , popular songs , great fights & a whole lot of memories. You are full of smiles when you are done watching a Rajini flick.
CONNECTIVITY: His approachability & humility are the reasons his fans love him. He is believable. His humble beginnings, his looks & his distinct accent were what make him believable. His social messages through his films are strong & yet conveyed subtly. His dialogue delivery & bigger than life persona on screen make his fans a proud lot.
SIMPLICITY: Grounded Rajinikanth is one of the few celebrities who is simple in his lifestyle. He makes no effort to want to prove who he is. He operates from complete self acceptance.The clothes he wears , the vehicle he owns are no definitions of his success.The world knows him anyway. Disciplined, his spiritual side make him so calm & completely different from his screen persona. His awareness of his roots keeps him grounded. His ability to draw a clear line between REEL LIFE & REAL LIFE is amazing.
EXCLUSIVITY: His self awareness is really high.He learnt very early that he could not learn pages of dialogues & decided to have punch lines delivered in his Style. Patented dance steps that were soon his trademark. Dialogues too were delivered in an accent not authentic but it was distinctly Rajini accent.Whether it was tossing a coin or putting gum in his mouth, the way he wore his sunglasses, his salute , his smile, his walk ,every mannerism was his own. When he comes out to a public platform , he is sans make up. REAL in REAL LIFE! Thus being exclusive by being so simple.
Two clear lessons we learn from Rajini are:
A person can achieve everything by being simple & humble.
Work hard in silence , Let your success be your noise."
After all .........this is what is "RAJINI DA!"
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